Nov 27, 2007 (cont)
I got the guitar together, and the neck is on straight. It has some electrical problems, which I will address tomorrow. And it has some serious set up issues, which are to be expected. I will deal with those in time, too.
The electrical problems are: no sound from the neck pup, and the bridge pup cuts in and out.
Nov. 28, 2007
It turns out that there were two problems. 1) The original switch was having problems, so I replaced it with a modern 3 way switch. 2) The ground plate/plane that is in the SC-2 has to be pushed all the way down to the bottom of the cavity, otherwise, it will ground out against the switch and/or pots and/or the jack.
The sound out of this thing is very distorted, right now. Think Hendrix at his most aggressive. But I still have a lot of work to do in terms of set up & stuff like that. So we shall see.
And another problem. There are some felt spacers between the body and the trem. Of course, those are hard to get also. But my dealer suggested a fabric store, so I shall try that.
What I ended up doing was calling a guy near me who has an auto upholstery shop, and gave me (gratis) about 12 square inches of material that he uses line the trunks of cars. I needed two layers of the stuff, which is no big deal.
And I think that the trem setting on the guitar body was causing all of the distortion, because it is all gone now.
There is still some fine tuning and set up to do. The action is too high, for instance. But it plays, and it sounds good. So I chalk this one up as a success.