Welcome to
Ed’s World of Guitars
Howdy, and welcome. I have had a lot of fun building, playing, and even modifying guitars. I am not a luthier, but I do play one on TV. One of the things that I wanted to do with this site is share my experiences, good and painful both, with other people who might share my enthusiasm for guitars.
One thing that I have been doing is collecting web sites of guitar related stuff. There are lots of URLs here, but this list should not be considered complete. If you know of a missing site, let me know and I will add it for the future.
My building logs/blogs
The Yellow Guitar
The Blue Guitar
The Orange Guitar
The Walnut Guitar
Bigsby Tele Guitar
The KoaCaster
The Beat Caster
The Black Walnut Guitars
Josie’s Guitar
The Tube Amp
G&L ASAT III (part 1)
G&L ASAT III (part 2)
G&L SC-2
My Bass project
My Gibson bass project
My Lap Steel project
I have learned a few things building and modifying the above guitars, and I would like to share some of those ideas.
1. Start at the end. By this, I mean: What do you want to end up with. Just saying a “Tele” is not enough, because there are so many variations on the theme. Do you want one that is historically accurate, or do you want one with a modern neck? Things like that.
2.How much are you willing to spend on the guitar? Because, it is usually cheaper to a complete guitar buy off the shelf, if what you want is pretty standard. I figure that Gibson, Fender, G&L, et al, spend about $0.25 on parts for every $1.00 that you and I spend. And don’t forget to figure in the price of tools & stuff like that.
3.Some books on guitar building, finishing, and electronics will be very useful.
4.Make sure that you have plenty of extra stuff to practice on. Like extra woods to make sure that you have the correct dye/stain color.
In May of 2007, Keith J. Soper, took on an interesting project for a school paper. He wanted to determine if there really is a difference in sound between a Telecaster made of Ash vs Alder. This is an old and contentious issue. I think that Keith has done a good job of advancing the science on this issue. Of course, it won't stop the wars amongst the "true believers." Anyways, here is the paper. Read it and enjoy.